Practicing Artist


constant curiosity + perfecting practice

inspired by nature's colors


Kai Park

I am a practicing artist who enjoys quilting, painting and collaging. My journey as an artist began over 30 years ago as a quilter. My work as a quilter has been published in magazines and books and displayed in shows around the country. I have also contributed many quilt and fiber arts pieces for use and display at our local church.

Over the years, I have been constantly learning new skills from basic drawing and design to fiber art and abstract painting. My first teacher in abstract painting was Deanna Schwartzberg who inspired a lifelong love for this art form that has since infused much of my work. More recently, I have had the privilege to study with Nurieh Mozaffari with whom I have enjoyed some of my best times as both student and artist!

Today, my work integrates painting with collaging with fabric, drawing from my daily walks and yoga practice for energy and inspiration. As I continue to learn more from my studies in abstract painting, I seek to create work that reflects my inner emotions and feelings.





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